Chapters 19-20
Archie rescues Marjory MacDougall, or as her real name is, Mary Kerr, from the convent of St. Kenneth. He weds her, and they go back to his castle to strengthen it so that the English won't take it.
Chapters 21-23
Archie goes out to join Douglas but he is attacked by the English, who he routes. They are met by Douglas who tells Archie that his castle is about to be under attack. Archie turns back, using his secret passage to get in. Archie takes most of his men to attack the camp with him, and, of her own will, has almost all of the rest of the men go and burn the machines the English were battering down the wall with. The English were in great disorder.
Archie was captured in a fight that followed, and he was taken to Berwick. Iron cages had been constructed there, made so that a normal-sized person could not lie down at night. The governor was a humane man, and he unlocked the door to the inner cell so that Archie could lay down.
He was to be killed in a few days, when he noticed that there were two women that had been staring at him for a long time. One of them was his wife! He couldn't recall the face of the other, but it looked familiar.
That night, he was passed up a rope with a saw and a bottle of oil. Using these he made his escape, and was taken into the home of one who was loyal to Scotland. He escaped out of the gate in a coffin, and soon was safely on his way to his own castle.
More soon!
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