Chapter 12
Bruce had gathered his followers and they were ready to oppose the English. They were camped at Methven, having prepared to meet the English the next day. Archie was not pleased with the way that Bruce had thrown away all the advantages of the Scottish mobility.
They were resting, when the English charged then in the dark. The Scottish were defeated, but the king was saved though many nobles were taken prisoner.
Chapter 13
Bruce and his followers had to split and take to the woods. Archie went off hunting, and was attacked by some of the McDougalls who were escorting a young lady. He surrendered to her, as he would have been killed otherwise and she promised him his life. She took him to the castle of Dunstaffnage where her uncle lived. He imprisoned Archie, to kill him the next morning. This would have been done but that the girl, Marjory, imposed upon the priest to help her set Archie free. This was done, and he rejoined Bruce in the forest.
More soon!
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