They set out for Iceland with their new crew member, Trondur. He was a very good fisherman, and soon Brendan was wearing a new decoration: Fish. There were fish everywhere, and they were a good supplement to their diet. Some curious whales came up and investigated Brendan, but they didn't bother her.
The monks had a story about this: they said that a "sea monster" had been chasing their boat when another "sea monster" came up and killed the first one. It floated away to the beach where it made food for the monks. They saw a killer whale pack one day, and one of them came over to investigate Brendan. However, the killer whale didn't think that they would make a good meal, so he left them alone. Some whales came up later, and they were very disturbed. Trondur suggested that killer whales might be chasing them. The killer whale is well named, and for a good reason the Spanish called them "lobo del mar," wolves of the sea. They are ferocious as the tiger.
On July 8th they got a good wind, which was especially good because they were off the south coast of Iceland. This was a very dangerous coast, and if the wind was blowing wrong they would be smashed on the rocks.
More soon!
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