Philopoemen when he was general himself, upon some new misdemeanor of
the Lacedaemonians, he brought back those who had been banished, put, as
Polybius writes eighty, according to Aristocrates, 350, Spartans to
death, razed the walls, took away a good part of their territory and
transferred it to the Megalopolitans, forced out of the country and
carried into Achaea all who had been made citizens of Sparta by tyrants,
except 3 thousand who would not submit to banishment. These he sold for
slaves, and with the money, as if to exult over them, built a colonnade
at Megalopolis. He is different now, and seems to have changed and
become bad, not good! He is trying to get all credit for himself,
and is being mean.
I do not think Philopoemen really is putting his country first. He is
trying to win honor for himself, not his country! He is off track.
more later,
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