Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Nicias--a study by Plutarch


Nicias decided to play it safe in the world of politics, by not doing anything in war that was not safe, and not going out to anyone's house for dinner. Knowing that successful people are looked down upon, made sure all people heard him giving thanks to the gods. He always seemed to be busy, as though public affairs always busied him. One of his friends, Hiero, told everyone what Nicias did for the commonwealth. Hiero said this had made Nicias unfit to be with his friends, so he kept away. There was a strange burst of glory in him at a battle, where Nicias won, but after gathering the dead, found that 2 men had been left on the battle-field. By law, if the victor asked to be allowed to get his dead, then he had to give up all the glory and claim of victory. NICIAS WENT BACK, AND ASKED TO BE ALLOWED TO GET THE MEN! HE GAVE UP ALL CLAIM OF VICTORY JUST FOR THOSE MEN!

Nicias refused to take credit for his own successes, fearing he would be envied. He gave all the glory to the gods. Was this an honest way of worshiping? I think not, because he was not really praising them, because he was using this as an excuse so he would not be killed. That is not true worship. That is not believing that they gave him this, but just saying so.   


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