When all was dark and empty
Before the world was made
or formed;
Ilúvatar did create all
The Ainur, out of the
great Flame.
They sang, and learnéd
many things
That Eru taught to them
The Great Creator of all
Ilúvatar calléd them to
And he declared a mighty
More great than any made
A graceful chord was forméd
Each sang of what he
thought, adorning
The base Motif with varied
All in accordance with the
But Melkor brought into
the song
A new theme which was strange,
He sought more power for
And discord quickly rose
about him;
So many then did silent
And sang they then no more
that day;
With him some joinéd his theme singing
Until a storm began to rage
And neither then did mastery gain.
Arose with lifted hand Eru;
New theme began amidst the storm,
Both like and unlike to the old;
But Melkor’s theme was louder still;
Ilúvatar grew stern of face.
Then did he rise again, this time
His other hand uplifted high.
This theme did seem full soft and sweet,
But yet it still could not be quenched;
It grew in pow’r and wisdom great.
Full beautiful yet blended
A sorrow that could not be
From which the beauty
chiefly came.
Now Melkor’s theme had now
A unity, still it vain and
clamorous was;
It seeméd like to many trumpets braying
Upon a few notes endlessly.
But yet it seemed the most triumphant notes
Were taken by the other, and
Then woven in, and made its own.
Then Eru rose, both hands upraised;
A piercing chord and all was still.
He spoke to all and said to them
That he would later bring these things
That they had sung and show them forth,
To show Ilúvatar was he.
And told he Melkor to recall
From he, Ilúvatar, sprung all
Of what was ever made.
Then Melkor shaméd grew;
And from this shame great anger sprung
Secret, fierce, and strong.
Ilúvatar went forth arrayed
In splendor very great;
And showed Ainur a vision grand.
Behold your Music! he declared.
He gave them sight to put with sound.
Thus he made Arda at the start.