Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Another Joke

What do you get if you cross a chicken with a cement mixer?
A brick layer!!

M.A.A.N. Act 2 Sns.2-3

Act 2 Sn. 2
Don John and his henchman Borachio decide to upset the upcoming marriage by making it look like Hero is unfaithful, by having Margret in Hero's clothes talk with Borachio out of her chamber window. Don John is going to tell Don Pedro and Claudio that Hero is unfaithful.

Act 2 Sn. 3

Benedick is reading in an arbor when Leonato, Don Pedro, and Claudio stage a conversation for Benedick to hear. They are trying to make him think that Beatrice loves him. It works, and Benedick thinks he must return her love. They walk behind the arbor, so that it is not apparent that they are trying to make him hear.

More later,

Tuesday, March 19, 2013

A Joke

Who's there?
Interrupting cow.
Interrupting? Mooooo!

(The cow interrupts!)


Titus Flamininus

Titus Flamininus brought his army to stop Philip, who would not leave the Greeks alone. They drew up in a rough place, and made speeches to their men. Titus told his men to be valiant men, because they would be acting on the stage of the world. Philip gave the usual inspiring speech, but by accident he gave it on a grave mound. He would not fight for some time, because his army was upset at this bad omen. The armies were about equal in strength. They each sent out scouts, and they met. The generals sent more men when needed. The Macedonians threw the whole weight of their phalanx against the Romans, forcing them back. But Titus Flamininus saw that in one place, the rough ground had broken up the Macedonians. So he attacked there, and the Macedonians were forced to fight man to man, weighted down by their heavy armor. For the strength of the Macedonians lay in the strength of their numbers, so when they fought man to man, they lost their strength.

I think that the Romans won by looking for a weakness in the other army, and then taking advantage of that weakness. They defeated the Macedonians, who had not been beaten in a long time, showing that strength in numbers is not all. I think they had strength in numbers because they had a very good formation that was strong altogether, but the Romans had the advantage of the ground, it being rough. This was also shown in a battle between the French and the English, I forget the name, where the English had much fewer numbers, and the advantage of the ground. The French lost terribly, and showed once again that strength in numbers is not all.

More later,

Monday, March 18, 2013

About the S. A. U.

The Sea Around Us was written about the 1960's. It is not an up-to-date science book. So don't go on it for up-to-date science. Nor do I believe in Evolution. It is a good book, though.


The S. A. U.

There is a new king of weather forecasting. It comes from the waves. They cry out a warning of a coming storm. A trained person can tell if a storm is coming. It will be useful on islands where you can't put a weather station, or a weather station won't work as well. A plane can take a lot of overlapping pictures, from which could be told the depth of the water. This is useful where to sound would be a tedious and difficult job.

 There are several places where a stormy and rough sea is created by strong tidal currents crossing, or coming in the opposite direction of, the waves. These are dangerous places. A magazine is quoted as saying that many ships are lost, while others are tossed about and escape destruction. There are several, and small ships would find it wise when in the Pentland Firth to secure their hatches, and all vessels to be prepared to batten down. (This is from a magazine.) Oil has a soothing effect on rough waters, but it has very little on surf.

More Later,

Friday, March 15, 2013

The Answer

A cowboy rode into town on Wednesday, and 9 days later, left on Wednesday. How is this possible?

His horse was named Wednesday!!


M.A.A.N. Act 2 Sn. 1

Don Pedro and his soldiers, disguised in masks, dance with the ladies of Leonato's household. While Don Pedro woos Hero, Beatrice mocks and laughs at Benedick, not knowing who he is. Don John mistakes Claudio for Benedick, and tells him that Don Pedro has won Hero's love. This distresses Claudio. Later, Don Pedro tells him that Hero is won. He wants to be wed at once, but Leonato says "wait til Monday, a good sevenight from now," so that he can prepare. Don Pedro proposes that they try to get Beatrice and Benedick to love each other.

More later,

Wednesday, March 13, 2013


A cowboy rode into town on Wednesday, and 9 days later, left on Wednesday. How is this possible?

Answer later,

Titus Flamininus

They marched on to Greece, and when the Greeks saw the army, they were amazed. They had been led to expect a barbarian army, led by an invader, but here was an orderly army, not a barbarian one! And all who came near Titus couldn't help but say as much of him, for he was no barbarian chief, but a man who was Greek in voice and language, and a lover of honor. They told this to all, and the Greeks started joining the Romans. Philip asked for peace, and Titus sent a message of peace to him; that if Philip would let the Greek states be ruled by their own laws, and withdraw his troops, there wold be peace. Philip did not accept, so war must happen.

Titus went on to Thebes, and the principle men of the city came out to meet him. They didn't want to not show honor and respect to Titus, but they were bound to Philip. Titus told stories, all the while marching slowly towards the city, letting his men rest. When he entered, he acted like he was an ambassador, not like he could take over the city right then. This worked, and Thebes and that state joined.

Philip sent a embassy to Rome, and Titus sent a man to ask the Senate to let him be in charge of peace or war operations. This was granted by the work of his friends, and he was still in charge of the war. He thought that if he was displaced, he would lose all his honor and recognition.

More later,

Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Favorite Books

Here are some of my favorite books:
The Sea Around Us by Rachel Carson
Kim by Rudyard Kipling
The Little White Horse by Elizabeth Enright (I think, maybe another Elizabeth somebody. )

Please tell me your favorites!


M.A.A.N. Act 1 sns.2-3

Sn. 2
Leonato is told that the Prince wants to marry Hero, when it is really Claudio, so he tells his daughter to be ready.

Sn. 3
Don John, who fought against his brother and Claudio in the war, hears a correct account of the intended marriage, and is set on defeating it. He plans to upset the marriage to get back at Claudio and Don Pedro for defeating him.

More Later,

Tuesday, March 5, 2013


Do you like to play chess? Have you even heard of it? Would you like to know what it is? will tell you! It is a free website that you can play chess on. You can play against the computer, or against other people!

I love to play chess!

Titus Flamininus

Titus Flamininus was now in charge of the army, so he laid out his campaign! He wanted to come to open battle, but the place in which they fought was quite rocky, with passes that could be well guarded. They had many skirmishes, and Titus Flamininus realized that the war would be very hard to win, indeed. But then some men who herded cows there told him about a pass that was not guarded. He took this pass and sent up some of his men, keeping the rest below. They attacked the Macedonians and pretended to flee, until they saw the smoke signal of the men on the mountain. Then they drove back the Macedonians, and they plundered the camp. But when they heard that Philip was plundering where he was, they did not molest the civilians. That made the civilians want to go with the Romans, seeing as they were kinder. It was a good idea!

Titus Flamininus saw ahead! That is why he did not let the soldiers plunder, thought they were far from the ships, and had little food. He knew he could get Allies to help him this way, and make Philip look bad.

More later,

Monday, March 4, 2013

About Plutarch

Plutarch wrote about famous Greeks, many years after they had lived. They are called 'Lives,' i.e. the Life of Nicias, The Life of Brutus, etc.  Well, hope that helps!


The Sea Around Us

Island are fragile things, destroyed at last. They are, for the most part, created by volcanoes, far out from land. It may take millions  of years to make just one island! It is one of the paradoxes in the ways of the earth that such a force, seemingly so destructive, can create. A volcanic eruption in the sea is different than a land one. It has the water pressing down and resisting it. When one occurs, ship in volcanic zones may suddenly find themselves in violently disturbed water. The sea appears to boil or bubble turbulently Floating up from the deep, hidden places of the actual eruption com the bodies of fishes and other deep-sea creatures, and quanities of ash and pumice.

Almost from the moment of its creation, a volcanic island is doomed to destruction. Another eruption may actually hasten its own destruction by exploding it. A landslide may occur. Something will happen.

It is a mystery how island are colonized by animals, but they may arrive by air. Charles Darwin raised, from a ball of mud off a bird, 82 plants! So they may arrive from the air, and the animals may come from the water, floating on log rafts.   

That's all for now!

Friday, March 1, 2013

Titus Flamininus

Titus Flamininus was very kind, and liked by many. He had a good temper, was just, and tried his best to help the poor.

Rome was then at war, was in many different wars, in fact, and was training her young man early for wars, they learned between times the art of commanding. Flamininus, having passed through the rudiments of soldiery, received his first charge in the war against Hannibal. (For more info on Hannibal and the war, see posts on Fabius. ). He was a tribune then. He became governor, and was famous equally for both his administration of justice, as well as his military skill. he then decided that he could at least try to skip to consul, instead of going trough the offices next to that first. He wanted to jump the steps next up on the stairway of government. The leaders of the other party opposed this, but the people chose him for consul. He was not yet thirty. He fought against Philip, and was able to help his people by getting the Greeks to side with them. The Greeks would not have sided with them had not Titus or some gentle person been general.

More later!

New book! Some info

I am starting Plutarch's Life of Titus Flamininus! Also, I wanted to say that M. A. A. N. stands for Much Ado About Nothing.
