Wednesday, January 8, 2014

In Freedom's Cause-Chapters 10-11

Chapter 10
Edward was coming with an army, so Wallace got ready to meet it. He would have won the battle of Farlkirk, but Comyn, one of the Scottish nobles, deserted at the critical moment and insured that the Scots would lose. After this defeat, Wallace decided to go to France. He was sure that if he stayed in Scotland, the nobles would never join him. But if he left, they might rally together to help Scotland.
Archie was now 23 years old, and was tall and strong. He helped Comyn, the new champion of Scotland, when called upon, but did not really like Comyn.
Comyn surrendered to England, and Archie realized that there was no hope unless Robert the Bruce could be persuaded to join Scotland's cause. He went to London dressed as an English middle-class person and persuaded Bruce that his duty rested with his country.

Bruce and Comyn had made an agreement about the division of land and kingship that left Comyn the more powerful, though Bruce had not realized that. Comyn now went and revealed it to the king of England, betraying Bruce. Flight was unavoidable, and Bruce could do nothing about it. He and Archie fled to Scotland, there to finish what Wallace had begun.

More soon!

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