Friday, November 21, 2014

Book Review: This Rich and Wondrous Earth

This Rich and Wondrous Earth, by Mrs. Linda Burklin, is an excellent and well-written book telling about her childhood growing up in central Africa at a boarding school for missionary children.  Mrs. Burklin clearly and in a manner easy to read tells about her adventures and education there. She conveys her ideas and experiences clearly. This book is very enthralling! I thoroughly enjoyed it, and especially her account of their half-term amusements. During their time at the river, they would select shady areas to build “half-term houses” in, because at half-term they were allowed to spend the Rest Hour in those “houses” with the others who helped build it. Groups of girls would select a spot and build the half-term house together. Much time was passed by discussing what to furnish the house with!  
I really suggest that you read this book.