Friday, September 6, 2013

Twelfth Night-Act 3, 1/2 sn. 4

Sir Toby wanted Sir Andrew and Cesario to fight. So he told each of them that the other person was ferocious and mean, and they were very scared of each other when they met. But Antonio, thinking that Viola was Sebastian, came in and broke it up. Then officers came and arrested Antonio. He asked Viola for some of his money back, and was hurt when she said she did not know what he was talking about. But he mentioned Sebastian, and so she was happy because this meant that her brother was alive! Meanwhile, Sir Toby and Fabian, who staid with Viola while Sir Toby talked with Sir Andrew, told Sir Andrew that Cesario/Viola was a coward, so Sir Andrew wanted to go thrash him for it.
More later,

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